
Friday, April 11, 2014

Mary or Martha Passover Preparations?

Is it possible to overuse Mary and Martha as examples? They've made trips around from housecleaning, to how one approaches their own time with the Lord, to hospitality, to relationships in general (and probably a plethora of other topics). And now.... Passover?



As we tarry on our journey to learning about celebrating Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, we are trying to discern what packages to leave behind and what ones are Scriptural packages to take with us. We still consider ourselves newbies at this with lots to learn. But one thing we do know for certain is that God's/Yahweh's ways are not burdensome to His people (Matthew 11:29, 30).

Are Yahweh's/Yeshua's Ways a Burden?

Sometimes people talk about preparing for the Lord's Spring Feasts as if the preparation was burdensome. For example, National No Housekeeping Day! took place on April 7th and some people were carrying on about how they couldn't possibly take one day off from housework with all they have to do in preparation. 

I've seen little cartoon graphics people make of themselves, loaded with cleaning supplies and staring up at towering piles of items that need to be cleaned off and put in their proper homes. Okaaaaaaaay........

I don't know about you, but this makes me think of Martha. It just makes preparations sound and become burdensome! And I suppose they can be if any of us add to what God's/Yahweh's instruction are. If, however, we take this approach to doing more than necessary, we'll miss resting in the peacefulness of these special appointed times.

How Much and What Needs to Be Removed?

Well, in our family, we limit food to the kitchen and dining room (for the most part). Once in a blue moon, we'll eat in the living room. So, we technically have only three rooms to *clean*. Do so many people really eat all throughout their homes? It's the impression I'm starting to get. I can see how that can put a damper on anticipating the Lord's Feasts with excitement.

So, I've been trying to figure out how people can clean leaven out of their homes and off of their property. At least... I'm trying to figure out when it's termed as *yeast*. I mean, yeast is in the air! It's impossible to clear it out.


What Did the Israelites/Hebrews/Early Church Do?

Well, it all seems to come back around to our limited understanding of the ancient Hebrew culture. They would basically do sourdough starter. In Hebrew it's called, chametz. So, all we are to do, as I understand it, is to toss out the old lump of chametz (sourdough starter is just a little bit of leaven) which symbolizes false/incorrect teachings and false doctrines according to what the Scriptures teach. 

Toss the old lump. Toss bread made from the old lump. Done.

But I Don't Make Sourdough Starter!

(Neither do I. Yet. And When I do, it'll be for nutritional reasons.)

Which means that I purchase breads.

In Spirit and in Truth, these are the things we remove from our home because they come from some other source of leaven (chametz).

What About All That Cleaning? Is It Necessary?

To a degree. Naturally where we eat, we ought to vacuum up crumbs from the old chametz. Including our vehicles (because we eat on the go sometimes). Again, since we limit where we eat, not too much to do. And it's not burdensome. It's what God/Yahweh wants and it's something that needs to be done anyway.

This approach to Passover/Pesach preparations sound very much like Mary to me. Doing only what is necessary, with joy, peace, and *sitting* at the feet of Jesus/Yeshua. Let us do this as we learn and understand how, by God/Yahweh's design, He is our Passover Lamb- for the remission of our sins.

And this is not downplaying the significance of why we clean out the chametz. Nor is it downplaying the lessons God/Yahweh has for us through them. But it's not adding to what He said. And it's not creating burdens for us... because remember... His ways are not burdensome.

Following what He instructs us to do, is a delight. And it enhances our experience. Being *so.busy* for the sake of being busy to prepare robs us of relaxing and taking joy in His presence and Feast Days. But doing only what He instructs us to do, frees us up! It frees us up from feeling burdened or weary from getting ready for His appointed times. Our hearts are light and prepared to sit at His feet.

Let's not do it to ourselves. Let's not add to what God/Yahweh instructs. And let's not set that example to others. It's misleading.



  1. Wow Heather - thank you soooo much for this post! it was for me today. I been feeling the same - we literally eat IN our kitchen and because of gluten allergies - we dont eat much gluten stuff. So we hardly have anything to throw away. Father has being calling me to a place at His feet and I have been feeling so burdened with all this crazy talk of chametz cleaning I even cried out to Him yesterday. He answered me to gracefully in this - beautiful! Thank you! Bless you and you welcome to visit my blog - I will visit yours as the Ruach leads - may you have a blessed Pesach.
    Aliyah (

    1. Hi Aliyah,

      I'm so glad you were blessed by this post. There is always something to learn and I find that everything I have learned is such a blessing to me. I hope you enjoyed celebrating these Spring Feasts of the Lord's. Now for counting the Omer and then Pentecost. :-)

