Sunday, November 6, 2016

There's Hope!

Greetings! How have things been with you? Our baby is now a few months old and he's doing very well. He gets lots of snuggles among his family- someone is usually snuggling him when lessons are being read aloud or if someone finished their work first.

My little guy. Sigh of contentment.

As I look at him and our other children, it's difficult not to think about their future. It's difficult not to feel concern. I believe that as parents you and I share this same concern for our children. Yet I think there is still hope.

I think there is still hope because there are still people like you and me who are concerned. I think there's still hope because being concerned means that we care. I think there is still hope because children are a heritage from the Lord, and they may take what they learn and apply it to their own lives and perhaps in our government and education.

Out of this concern and hope that we share among each other, this blog was birthed. It has been dedicated to helping others learn of the Principle Approach® method of teaching and learning and also about The Noah Plan© curriculum (which applies the PA method). And out of this concern, this blog will continue.

It's important to understand the why. Why does this blog focus on the Principle Approach®? What is the big deal about it? As believers, we know that we are transformed when we come into faith in Yeshuah/Jesus. Scripture tells us that this is done by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2):

 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

In order for our minds to be renewed, we need to read, study, and learn Scripture. Then we can better walk it out. When we do this as individuals, His ways are lived out in us and it multiplies across our nation. When we walk in... live in the Spirit of the Lord, we have freedom.  Where the Spirit of the Lord  is there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). This is in our personal lives and also translates to government when it follows Bible Principles!

Think of how well our nation has lived and been able to help others during its better years in history. Contrast that with its decline. What has caused the decline? A turning away from the application of Bible Principles has caused the decline. Our Founding Fathers tried to safeguard us with our Constitution-- with the hopes that we would learn of the Bible Principles applied to its founding so that we could keep what they gave us... a Republic.

Who has time to learn? If we care about a chance at restoring our nation, we have to set time aside to learn. I know you're busy! I know you are wrapped up in so many commitments in life. I get it! I have nine children, am involved in volunteering, homeschooling, housework, etc., etc. etc. 

So... as Cool Daddy continues to help me get Principled's website redesigned, I'm working on other projects to help you learn with efficiency. Please pray for us as we endeavor to help serve you.

In the meantime, have you heard about The Foundation for American Christian Education's conference coming up shortly? I'm looking forward to being able to view the recordings as I won't be able to be there in person. Here's a link to the information on it. I hope you will be encouraged by it!

Let us not lose hope!

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