Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Review: The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions

If you haven't yet been introduced to Stacy Farrell, please allow me to. She is the owner of Home School Adventure Co. and the author of several works. As a part of the TOS Crew, I was given a PDF copy of The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions in exchange for my honest review.

The Wise Woman is one of several Christian fables and was written by George MacDonald, an inspiring friend to C.S. Lewis. In his book, The Wise Woman, we learn of two girls who are in terrible need of character training.

True of our children.

True of us adults who are God's/Yahweh's children.

Are we all not continual works in progress?

This family read aloud is an excellent source for helping children (and adults) to understand how giving in to the demands and whims of children can be a plight for all involved in the child's life- including the child.

Princess Rosamond is such a child. When Princess Rosamond, who has come to believe that she and she alone is somebody special, is finally realized by her parents to be out of control, the Wise Woman is called in for help. The King and Queen struggle to see their errors in how they have spoiled Rosamond- how then can the Wise Woman help this family?

Contrasted to the Royal Family with a spoiled daughter who has more than she could ever possibly need, is a poor family. Yet, Agnes, the daughter to the poor farmer and his wife is taught that she and she alone is somebody special. How can this be when she has hardly any possessions and only animals as friends? Could it have something to do with the fact that the parents compliment their daughter within earshot for everything she does- whether good or not? Could it be that they do not follow through with correcting her for wrong choices she makes when they say they will? The Wise Woman comes to help this family- thought she is not called upon in this family's circumstances. 

Will Princess Rosamond and Agnes learn to be wise, have teachable spirits and receive instruction? Will they embrace moral character and choose to be governed under Jesus/Yeshua?

How do we explain these complicated facets of life to our children?

This is where The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions literary journal comes on the scene.

How We Used The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions in our Homeschool:

While The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal is geared toward Middle school and high school students, one of the beauties of literature studies is that we can enjoy them as a complete family. I used this with our children ranging form 14 down to 6 years old. We all sit around, typically in our living room, while I read aloud to them. Often times they will draw or color while they listen. They all have enjoyed the story and learned a great deal.

After each of the 14 chapters, we read through the discussion questions which help our children to recall the plot and characters and to analyze the dynamics of the story. Some of the questions also ask the children to think and share about themselves. It helps to create an atmosphere for looking at oneself and to confess one to another some sin areas they may be struggling in as individuals. The beauty of this is that it helps them to feel open because they, in some aspects, can kind of relate to some feelings or thoughts that either of the main characters display. It's a time that leads into prayer for each other as well.

I will say that some of the questions are more challenging for younger children- but again, this is geared toward middle school and high school . In this case, I just had our older ones answer them and the younger ones listened. I would break it down for the younger ones if they had a difficult time understanding.

The idea behind the journal portion is that students create a keepsake by writing answers in their individual books. It's more economical for me to print out one copy for us to use as a family and I jot down answers to the questions we discuss.

do I love and recommend this product? Yes! For all of the reasons listed above.

What The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Covers:

The Wise Woman is an enchanting story. George MacDonald cleverly contrasts the ugliness of pride, selfishness and conceit with the beauty of humility, sacrifice, and compassion.

There are 16 to 24 literary analysis questions per chapter. This book (in both spiral bound or ebook editions) is comprised of 160-pages and helps to teach children critical thinking by engaging the students through questions to ponder.

Check out sample pages of The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal.

Here are a few sample questions so you can get a feel for it:

  • "What does MacDonald mean by the statement: "For there is no fault that does not bring its brothers and sisters and cousins to live with it"?

  • "MacDonald states, "There are victories far worse than defeats." Write an example of when you or someone you know was disadvantaged because of his or her success. (You can write about a public figure if necessary.)

  • "What do you suppose Agnes would think if she witnessed one of the princess's rages? Are her own sins any less ugly? Why or why not?"

  • "Which type of sin do you most naturally gravitate toward: wrath or conceit? What strategy might you employ to combat either or both sins?"

What The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Costs:

The print edition (spiral bound) is $28.95 and the ebook edition is $14.95. However, Stacy Farrell is offering you all 10% off any download purchase! This offer expires May 15, 2014.

Use Code: CREW-10

You can read more TOS Crew reviews for The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions Home School Adventure Co. products such as Philosophy Adventure; Philippians in 28 Weeks; Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal;  by clicking on the graphic below.

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Check out this cute little clip from a brief portion of this story:



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