Monday, October 22, 2012

Antonio Vivaldi (Bible Principle Study!)

We enjoy studying different composers. This year we are learning about Antonio Vivaldi. The My Father's World curriculum recommends this audio biography to listen to:

© Principled Academy
While it's not an audio drama (which is our family's personal preference), it does give biographical information with a variety of Vivaldi's pieces playing in the background.

I created some notebook pages for our children as the My Father's World curriculum does not have any. In addition, I wanted to tie in Biblical Principles to our study. You see, we could just study Vivaldi by listening to the audio biography itself.. but it'd be kind of like this:

© Principled Academy
However, doing word studies and getting into the Word of God gives us rich purpose in studying composers (and music appreciation in general). Shining the light of Scripture on the subject of music helps us to see it in a whole new light making it more like this:

© Principled Academy

I hope you see how rich and purposeful this study is made by going to the Bible to learn more!

You can download a free copy of my Bible Principles notebook page/study on Antonio Vivaldi by using this coupon code: BP-ART (at my store here).

I also came across a coloring page with my youngest children in mind- but the older ones wanted to color as well and so why not let them? You can download the coloring page from Making Music Praying Twice here. (I love this website and am so glad to have come across it!)

I would appreciate feedback on this study so please do leave a comment. Thank you! 



  1. Just tried the code for the Vivaldi study and for some reason it didn't go through. I'd love to take a peek at it since we're studying Vivaldi this month. :)

    1. Hi There,
      Thank you for making me aware of this. We just went in and fixed it so there shouldn't be any issues with the coupon code now.

      Thank You!
      Heather :)
