Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Devotion #wordstudywednesday

Before I did this word study, I had a much more base understanding of the word devotion. I asked around and learned that I am not the only one with a base understanding of this challenging word. Won't you continue reading to see if you have a complete understanding of this word, too?

"Morning Prayer" by Ebenezer Newman Downard
(background public domain)
Word Art ©Principled Academy

The painting above by artist Ebenezer Newman Downard draws me in. The example of the woman, devotedly on her knees before God (Yahweh in Hebrew), humbles me. I should be so consistently devoted. Webster's 1828 definitions cause much self-evaluation about where I am at in this area.

The first definition explains being solemnly set apart for a particular purpose. Am I reflecting that definition in my life? Are there any ways in which I reflect worldliness instead?

The second definition reflects so much of what God is lovingly and patiently teaching me in this season of my life... "a yielding of the heart and affections to God, with reverence, faith and piety..."  The only way I can find out His desires for me to yield my heart and affections to is by reading the Word daily in context. I need to be sure to gain understanding and wisdom and examine myself continually to see if I am in the faith as 2 Corinthians 13:5 tells me to.

The sixth definition is the one which humbled me the most...

Ardent means: hot, burning, that causes sensation of burning; 3. Warm, applied to the passions and affections; much engaged; zealous; as, ardent love or vows; ardent zeal.

Have I been so devoted to God during my whole walk? I'm sorry to say that I have not always been. I want to be like that duke in the sixth definition:
"... as the duke was distinguished by his devotion to the king..."

 I want to have such an ardent love or affection for God; attachment manifested by constant attention.... I want to be distinguished by my devotion to The King.

I am learning that when I choose to learn what His commandments are and to walk in them... an ardent love genuinely flourishes and continues to grow! His ways are perfect!

Has this word study challenged you, too? I'd love to hear how! Won't you please take the time to share in a comment below? 

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Word Study Wednesday richness!


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