Friday, December 27, 2013

Year in Review 2013

Reflection. It's one of my favorite things to do. I have been doing a lot of reflection lately on this past year; things that have taken place, how I have grown spiritually, and what things are pretty much still the same. A lot of huge things have taken place. One being how my blog has grown and new opportunities that the Lord has afforded me. 

The Top 5 Most Popular Posts of 2013


I find it interesting that 3/5 most popular posts are art lessons teaching Bible Principles. I'm pleasantly surprised that Teach Master Artist Renoir, Teach Art, Value & Monocromatic, and Teach Master Artist Vincent Van Gogh were the top picks!! This is something I am passionate about... so suffice it to say that more of these types of posts can be expected in 2014 {Lord willing}. I'm excited that people are finding the Self-Government Tickets useful! I hope they have been a blessing to families. It is intriguing to me that Earth's Individuality has ranked as one of the most popular. I'm curious to know how this has benefited people in their homeschools.

 My Top 5 Favorite Posts of 2013


The above are my favorites because they have been a part of my personal growth this year. The post titled, The Moment They Have Gone Away, was about a study we did in English and it was extremely inspirational to me. I took a lot away from it when going through this with Scientist and Artsy Girl. This year was another year of more spiritual growth for our family in a lot of ways; one of our favorites is our growth during the Biblical Feast of Dedication. The Lord's Feasts and other Bible Feasts are beautiful and rich and I love sharing about them with others. I hope you all have enjoyed reading about them as we go along on this journey! Another significant study I did with Scientist and Artsy Girl was about the Youth in Scripture. As we went through it, I was overwhelmed at the education they received and it just hit home with me that these 9 Scriptural Truths are what I needed to learn about. I hope they bless you and encourage you in your homeschool, too! But most notably are the Word Studies. I especially loved the one on Unity and the one on Snow. They really cause me to dig deeply and think deeply. They help me to test things and grow. I am thankful for them... they challenge me to know what I believe, why I believe it, and if it truly is in line with God's Word. I'm aware that they sound boring at first, but once you get into them it's hard to stop! News!

I'm thrilled and very thankful to be expanding with new experiences and content with the continual aim to bless you! I'm also looking forward to a lot of personal growth through these experiences! It has been a blessing to build relationships with many phenomenal people through each of these venues. And I'm continually thankful for my readership for allowing me to share thoughts and experiences with you as we approach life and education Biblically to the best of our abilities. I appreciate each of you and your kindness as you join me on my personal journeys of personal and spiritual growth, homeschooling, and life experiences. Thank you!!

Some Blogs That Have Encouraged & Inspired Me This Year...


My friend Gina at A Cherished Keeper is such a lovely lady and dear friend. I hope you *get to know her* at her blog. The Lord blesses me with encouragement through her in countless ways. It's really because of her that I have gotten involved with sharing Word Studies since she hosts Word Study Wednesdays. And they give me something special to look forward to during the middle of the week! She also is there for me when I go through Blogging Blues. {Yes, it's true. There is such a thing as Blogging Blues.} She reminds me to keep focus and keep seeking the Lord for direction with this blog.

Lisa at Me & My House Ministries is another source of encouragement to me on my homeschooling journey with Bible Principles. I hope you become familiar with her and her blog. She is a wonderful mentor. :-)

My friend Keri Mae at A Happy Home Media is someone who inspires me in a variety of ways. She causes me to keep in mind that I need to make the time to try new things and allow myself to grow in areas of interests which the Lord has given me. Won't you visit her blog, too, and see how she may inspire you?

May each of us diligently seek the Lord & grow closer to Him this coming year.


For all of my fellow Noah Plan Curriculum people, please know that I intend on sharing more printable materials and such with you! I also intend on sharing about what we do with the curriculum here and there as we notebook and use a bit of the Charlotte Mason approach. If you have any questions about the Noah Plan Curriculum, please do contact me. :-)

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