Showing posts with label Kindergarten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindergarten. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Noah Plan- Kindergarten Essentials: Heather's List

Welcome back to my series of The Noah Plan Essentials. You may read my first post for The Noah Plan Kindergarten curriculum here.

In addition to the essentials for Kindergarten found at my previous post, here is a list of other items which I found benefited our family in our first year using the Kindergarten curriculum:

  • Free printable coloring pages for the period of history or maps that we were studying. A quick on-line search helped me do this and was more affordable at the time than buying coloring books.

  • Beginning Geography, K-2, The Evan-Moor Corp.: Vol. 1,Continents and Oceans; Vol. 2,  How to Use a Map; Vol. 3. (While I started out looking for free graphics on-line to make my own, I found having the books a time saver.)

These books have sheets that work with the K Geography lesson plans. They have proven to be a time saver for me (one less thing to prep). 

The double-sided poster is helpful. It's large for little people to see well and it also folds up and can sit loose-leaf in the Evan-Moor book.

The world map from the Evan-Moor Beginning Geography book is a duplicate of the one from their Land Form and Bodies of Water map on one side. The other side is a little Fairy Tale Land map. This also is large and fold-able which allows for sitting in the book loose-leaf.

  • The Children's Illustrated Bible. Why? Because unlike the "beginner Bibles", the illustrations are more realistic. I believe the benefit of this is that it doesn't place doubt in our children's minds. 

  • Learning About My Body by Evan-Moor Corp. The Noah Plan curriculum calls for, Me and My Body, Penguin Group, USA although we were unable to find a copy of it when we were initially ordering our books. It also calls for, Skeleton Inside You. I don't know what that book is like, however, there are coloring pages in the Learning About My Body book and that was satisfactory for me. In any case, it's helpful timewise to have these pages available.

  • A Child's Garden of Songs: The Poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson in Song by Ted Jacobs. We enjoy poetry and music. So, to help instill a love for both, it's especially nice to have some of Robert Lewis Stevenson's poetry put to music.This helped with our lessons about Robert Louis Stevenson when we had to be on the road.


Other than that, the usual supply of paper, paper reinforcement labels, pencils,crayons, or any other art supplies and creativity are needed.

Please feel free to ask ideas for substitutions if you find you need help with ideas for any specific lessons. I'll do my best to respond in a timely fashion.



Friday, June 12, 2015

The Noah Plan- Kindergarten Essentials

When considering what to purchase for our Kindergarten school year using The Noah Plan Curriculum, I wished that I had known in advance what essential books I needed. It wasn't, however, until our curriculum arrived and I glanced through the lessons that I realized more books were needed than what I ordered from The Foundation for American Christian Education!

**This post does contain an affiliate link.***

In the back of The Noah Plan Curriculum (p. 295), a list of books and publishers is given. I am sharing the books in bold that I found were enough for me in my first year. I'll write comments about the others on this list by F.A.C.E.

And so, without further ado, here is the list to help you budget and plan for the upcoming school year with your Kindergartner (you may even be able to find of them at your local public library):

Essential Books for The Noah Plan Kindergarten Lessons: 

  • Abraham Lincoln (d'Aulaire), Doubleday

  • Aesop's Fables, Henry Holt & Co.

  • *American Dictionary of the English Language, Facsimile 1828 Edition, Foundation for American Christian Education (while there is an on-line edition, I have discovered that it is missing some words. So, I believe it's essential to have a hard copy in your home.)

  • Bambi, by Felix Salten (this is not the Disney version)

  • Child's Garden of Verses

  • Christian History of the American Revolution: Consider and Ponder-
    I was overwhelmed with this my first year as I learned to navigate the curriculum. This is mostly for the parent's re-education vs. the lessons for your Kindergartner.

  • Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America, Vol 1: Christian Self-Government- I was overwhelmed with this my first year as I learned to navigate the curriculum. This is mostly for the parent's re-education vs. the lessons for your Kindergartner.

  • Early Reader's Bible, Gold 'n' Honey Books-
    Some people prefer to have their children read right out of the Bible... it's up to you.

  • Fairy Tale Books (I struggled with this idea in the beginning... perhaps I'll share my conclusion with you in a future post...)

  • French Primer, Mes Premiers Pas de Français by F.A.C.E.-
    This is fun to do. It comes with an audio CD for pronunciation. The CD is frustrating in that each vocabulary word is not on its own track. So you have to listen to everything all over to re-hear the word you want
    (unless this has been changed since we purchased it several years ago).

  • Little House in the Big Woods

  • Lullaby books-
    If you can't swing these or find them at your library, you can always look some songs up on youtube.

  • Mother Goose and other nursery rhyme books-If you can't swing these or find them at your library, you can always look some songs up on youtube.

I find the following guides useful for upper-level grades:
  • Noah Plan English Language Curriculum Guide
  • Noah Plan History and Geography Guide
  • Noah Plan Lessons for Kindergarten
  • Noah Plan Literature Curriculum Guide
  • Noah Plan Mathematics Guide
  • Noah Plan Reading Curriculum Guide
  • Noah Plan Self-Directed Seminar and Principle Approach Methodology

  • Phonemic Awareness in Young Children: A Classroom Curriculum-
    I didn't bother with this one (probably because of our budget at the time). And the curriculum we use works well for us so I haven't felt the need to buy it...

  • Right Start Mathematics-
We started out with this and love it. However, I needed help time-wise teaching a subject with so many various levels among our 6 school-aged children and we are now using CTC Math (affiliate link) and love it! The lessons are short and concise, the kids can re-take lessons and tests as needed individually, it is not in line with common core, it keeps track of individual student's records which are printable, and it grades lessons and tests automatically. This has been a huge blessing for me and our kids!

  • Starter Kit, Spalding Education International-
    I have it and struggled so much with the way it is formatted!!! Thankfully someone introduced me to Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri! It's based off of Spalding's book but so simplified. I absolutely love it.

  • Stone Bridge Art Guide

  • Tale of Peter Rabbit

  • Tales from Shakespeare (Lamb's)

  • Teaching and Learning America's Providential History: The Principle Approach-
    This can wait until later if you need to, but do get it when you are able to.

  • Teacher Guide: "Pilgrim-Pioneer Character Moving Westward" by F.A.C.E.-
    We do not own this.

  • Uncle Remus Stories, Random House-We couldn't find this so we enjoyed Disney's film called, Song of the South.

  • Winnie-the-Pooh, Penguin Putnam, Inc.-
    An absolute must. 

In my next post, I'll share books that I thought were helpful even though they were not on F.A.C.E.'s Essential Book List.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Conscience- The Noah Plan Curriculum (History)

The Noah Plan Curriculum- History
Week 1, Quarter 3

{Download your free notebook pages at this post!}

Recognize this from yesterday's Word Study? :)

The less an individual listens to their conscience... the quieter and quieter and quiter it gets until they can no longer hear it..... How do we help our children be aware so they can guard theirs? What do we do daily to guard our own? 

"God requires faithful stewardship of all His gifts, especially the internal property of conscience.  This is a tool for self-government as each child learns the revelation of consent. Each individual governs his life through the voluntary consent to do right or wrong." ~The Noah Plan History and Geography Curriculum Guide p. 68

©Principled Academy
I love how the Noah Plan Curriculum has us getting into the Bible
with each subject so we can learn the principles behind the Leading Ideas (themes).

After reading more about conscience...
"Thus we can see the Christian inheritance of property- from the first century  when "liberty of conscience" became more important to men than their very lives. We remember the  Pilgrims fleeing from England, rather than submit to infringement of their rights of conscience. And here we find the founding fathers reminding us that "we have property" in our rights- and that the right to conscience is the most important." ~Teaching and Learning America's Christian History p. 228

"Paul gives us a tremendous statement concerning conscience
"And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense toward God, and toward men." Acts 24:16"
"Conscience is first occupied in ascertaining our duty (legislative), before we  proceed to action (executive), then in judging of our actions when performed (judicial).

" Only an individual truly Christ-governed can be conscientious. The law referred to here is the Law of God- the internal government of God through Christ in the heart, the mind and the affections of each individual." ~T&L p. 229

(click to enlarge photo)
Faith, friend(ship), share(ing), love... as we live out these
actions intentionally, we conscientiously do them. They help
us to have a clear conscience before God (Yahweh) and before men.

There is so much more to read and ponder. To really take into consideration. To guard against. To live out. Most of what is assigned for me to read is for my growth... for my education. There are parts that I choose to pull out and teach to my children at varied levels (line upon line, precept upon precept). 

(click to enlarge photo)
The keys serve as a visual reminder to my children that
conscience is the key to self-government under Christ Jesus (Yeshua).

I am thankful that the Noah Plan Curriculum takes us through a deep lesson on this. There are important lead questions to walk through with our children. I love that we begin this discussion at such young ages. 

(click to enlarge photo)
The individuality of each of my children still shows through
as they scrapbook according to their personal tastes.

Has this lesson post inspired you? What have you learned from your studies for this lesson? Please leave a comment below if it has. Thank you! :)

Copyright 2013 of Principled Academy.
 The duplication of articles, photos, or blog entries without the express permission of the owner are strictly prohibited.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Aesop's Fables- The Noah Plan Curriculum Literature (Q3, W1)

The Noah Plan Curriculum- Literature
Quarter 3, Week 1

{Download your free notebook page at the end of this post!}

Ah, fairy tales. The Noah Plan Curriculum teaches that fair tales actually give "insight on the ideas and ideals of many nations."

There's some reading assigned for us parent's in The Noah Plan Literature Guide on pages 100-103. I just highlight what I want to share for this lesson (I don't cover all of it with them at this time). 

We purchased a book which came with an audio book CD. Sometimes audio books are so helpful (for example, I can prepare lunch while we listen to them).

If you find you'd like to make use of animated films for some of these lessons, here are a couple I came across. :)

"The Clever Kid Goat"
(Being Naughty)

"The Dog and the Bone"
(Being Greedy)


Copyright 2013 of Principled Academy 
The duplication of articles, photos, or blog entries without the express permission of the owner are strictly prohibited.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

John Wycliffe- The Noah Plan History

The Noah Plan- History
Quarter 2, Week 9

{Download your free printable page for this week's lesson at the end of this post!}

One of the beauties of The Principle Approach is that I am caused to further my own education. So that I can prepare to teach my children, I do some reading on Wycliffe and share about him. It doesn't take much time to do the reading assignments and the information is always meaningful (no *twaddle* is found among any of the assignments). Therefor, I know that my time will not be wasted. 

The Morning Star of the Reformation

Wycliffe, in case you don't know, helped believers to have individual liberty under Christ (Yeshua in Hebrew) by translating the Bible from Latin into English. He questioned the traditions of men within the church at the time and for that he was considered a Heretic. Can you imagine not being able to ask questions without the leadership getting angry? Red flags should have popped up for everyone! (There is so much more to learn from the assigned readings. I encourage you to take the time to read them.) 

He reasoned that since the New Testament was written in Greek, the common language of the people at the time, that the Scriptures were meant for everyone to have the ability to read and understand. In Wycliffe's time, Latin was not the common language of the people in England which made it impossible for most people to read the Scriptures for themselves! In addition, he saw that it was wrong for only the church to have copies of the Bible.

I think there are some parallels here with the Jewish leaders in Paul's time as they, too, had their own traditions of men. When Jesus Christ (Yeshuah) would test their traditions against the Torah, the Jewish leaders would become angered (to say the least).

As a part of this lesson, our family watched the film "John Wycliffe, Morning Star of the Reformation." Maybe you will want to also. 

Download your free notebook pages for this week's lesson here. 


Copyright 2013 of Principled Academy
 The duplication of articles, photos, or blog entries without the express permission of the owner are strictly prohibited.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Paul and the Christian Church- The Noah Plan Quarter 2, Week 5

The Noah Plan- History
Quarter 2, Week 5

{Get your free notebook pages at the end of this post!}

Once my darling children are in bed, I set some time aside to prepare for the next days' lessons. This works for me because I like to have set time aside here and there to get my reading in (for my own education as well as to be able to decide what to share with my children according to their learning abilities).

One of my favorite.things.ever. to have learned (pertaining to Geography) is how each continent has an individual purpose. I am so thankful to Mr. Arnold Guyot for sharing this realization! You can read a bit about this in your assigned readings: The Noah Plan History and Geography Curriculum Guide, p. 70. I also address it briefly at this post.

In the same curriculum guide, on p. 71, it says:

"For centuries God's Word was locked up in scholarly languages. In order for the individual man or woman to learn God's Principles of Liberty, it was necessary to be able to have the Word available in a language they could learn how to read."
Can you imagine?! I am so thankful so many people can have copies of the Bible in their own languages! On this note, I have to say that I recommend getting a Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible or at least have a Strong's Concordance on hand. It has blessed our study of the Scriptures exponentially!

The Leading Idea for this lesson is, "The Gospel goes westward with Paul." The notebook page is of Paul preaching in the Synagogue.

© Principled Academy 2013
A couple of my kids wanted to add yarn for texture. :)

As we springboard off of this lesson for more understanding for our older ones (and ourselves as parents), we research other questions like:
  • Why are Paul's writings hard to understand?
  • What does the warning mean that the unlearned can twist Paul's writings to their own destruction? (2 Peter 3:14-16
  • How was Paul, an Old Testament Scholar, given wisdom?
  • Why did the Pharisees get so angry with Paul and even Jesus (Yeshua)?
One of the ways we expand our studies in our family, is to try and learn about the history, culture and Hebrew mindset with which God's Inspired Word was written. One of the things we learned as we expanded our study, is that Saul's name was never changed to Paul. It is mistakenly thought that it was. You can read about this at Passion for Truth Ministries if it interests you.

Paul was an Old Testament Scholar and a New Testament writer. His teachings can be challenging to understand! One thing we began to wonder is, "Why is it so easy for Gentiles to see that Jesus Christ (Yeshua is His Hebrew name) is the Savior... yet many Jews today don't see it?  The first followers of Yeshua were Jews and they went into the world to share the Gospel Message. How was Paul able to reason with them from Scripture? What has happened over the years?

Our family wants to find answers to our above question. We watched The Deuteronomy 13 Test  teaching by 119 Ministries. Wow! This is very challenging for us Christians! Our family thinks challenging what is taught is a good thing. It has given us If you are considering watching it, too, maybe consider previewing it before you view it as a family. For us, we decided to watch it all together.

The Deuteronomy 13 Test
Why is it hard for many Jews to accept Jesus Christ (Yeshua) as the Savior?

Download your free notebook page for this week's Noah Plan lesson!


Copyright 2013 of Principled Academy
 The duplication of articles, photos, or blog entries without the express permission of the owner are strictly prohibited.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Jesus is the Focal Point of History! ~The Noah Plan Q2, W4

The Noah Plan Kindergarten- History
Quarter 2, Week 3

{Get your free notebook pages at the end of this post!}

©Principled Academy

This week's lesson covers Jesus Christ (Yeshua is His name in Hebrew) as the focal point of history. I had set aside about 30 minutes of reading for preparation of this week's lesson. Here is a small portion of text from Teaching and Learning America's Christian History (p. 159) which I'd like to share with you:
"For centuries men sought freedom from slavery and tyranny. They believed their liberation to be dependent upon external circumstances. But it was not until the Savior of mankind appeared that men learned that external freedom was achieved by internal liberty- "the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free".
It makes so much sense, doesn't it?

I'd also like to share this portion from the text from America's Providential History (p. 26):
"Christianity's method of change is the same for nations as it is for individuals. As Christians, we are gradually transformed as we apply the truth of His word to our lives."

And that is what it all comes down to for each of us. Yes, once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior (according to Romans 10:9) we are saved! In order to grow in our faith, we need to be reading the Bible and endeavoring to understand it, learn it, and apply it to our lives. When we do this, we continue to be transformed by the renewing of our minds! When we do this, it positively impacts our families, our cities, our states, and our nation!

This is one of the reasons I love the Principle Approach®! I don't have to *try* to remember to get in the Word of God and to take charge of my own education because it happens daily within each subject! I also love that my children are learning to go directly to the Word of God for principles...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's Winnie the Pooh!- Noah Plan K Literature Q2, W3

The Noah Plan- Literature
Quarter 2, Week 3

{Get your free notebook pages at the end of this blog post!}

Ah, the timeless Winnie the Pooh character! This is such a fun literature study! 

I had only ever been exposed to Disney's version of Winnie the Pooh until my mother-in-law had purchased a few of the classic books for us when we had our first child. At first I didn't think much of the books by looking at them and had just set them aside. But then years later our older kids started to read them and they were laughing so hard they could hardly talk when they tried to share about elements of the stories which they found so funny!! I have to admit that there is nothing quite like the original versions! :)

If you don't have a copy of any of these versions, there's a handy dandy search in the right hand column of my blog for your convenience (I am an affiliate with them). I would appreciate your support. :)

I have prepared notebook pages which have an area for drawing the characters. If you want coloring pages with the Disney version of the characters, you can follow this link here. Maybe you could print the notebook pages first and then run the paper through again to print the coloring pages?

My bookshelves lack a biography on him so I found some nice biographical information on him over at

A.A. Milne is covered during weeks 3 and 4 so I'll not do another post regarding this literature study.

Copyright 2013 of Principled Academy
 The duplication of articles, photos, or blog entries without the express permission of the owner are strictly prohibited.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Was Their Sin? (The Noah Plan K)

The Noah Plan
Quarter 2, Week 2

They got expelled from the Garden of Eden for...

eating fruit?
 {Well, no... not exactly.
© Principled Academy
What is that word... enmity? 
 {Well it means...}
 What does sovereign mean?
 {It means that God is the Supreme Ruler...}

What a rich conversation we had, my children and I! Talking about Adam and Eve's choice to disobey God helped to illustrate what self-government means. God has given us all free-will. We call this self-government. And... how will you choose to govern yourself? Christian Self-Government is choosing to allow yourself to be governed under Christ. How does one do that? Well, in order to do this they need to make a choice about accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior...

.... and so went our conversation... 

... time wisely spent during our day. 

 One of mine chose to illustrate according to her own imagination.
Two of my other children decided to color a coloring page as they processed the teaching.
Then, they noted in their own words about self-government.

Download your free notebook pages here!

Copyright 2012 of Principled Academy.

The duplication of articles, photos, or blog entries without the express permission of the owner are strictly prohibited.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


The Noah Plan- History
Week 6, Quarter 1

{Get your free notebooking pages at the end of this post!}

When continuing on with our History studies, we observe God's Principle of Individuality seen in seashells. It's one thing to observe seashells and talk about them...

© Principled Academy
 ... but it's another thing to observe them closely and have God as the center of the discussion about seashells. 

I love enjoying such natural treasures in my children's little hands. I love how they wonder about them and closely observe the unique traits God has given each one and how no two are exactly alike. Individuality....

Over the years, our family has collected a lot of broken shells on the beach. The only ones we ever seem to find in tact are the muscles. So, I went to Micheal's Craft Store and purchased a variety pack of small shells. I also purchased a few larger ones.

I came across this website for identifying sea shells and I love it! It introduced me to Cloudy Periwinkles and I fell in love with them! The blues and the greens are gorgeous! (In fact, I love everything about this photo! It's gorgeous!!!)

After holding the shells, observing, admiring and talking about how they reflect God's Principle of Individuality, we moved on to our notebooking page. I printed them on card stock paper because she used water color to paint them. The thickness of the card stock helps absorb the water but she still had to be careful to control how wet she got the paper.

What We Did:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Jesus' Resurrection- Noah Plan W8, Q1

I appreciate so much how the Noah Plan helps me to guide my children in learning about Jesus' overcoming death and that He lives. This lesson doesn't stop there. We read from Scripture about this account and discuss from the lesson plan about the significance of the resurrection.

© Principled Academy
Did you ever stop to wonder why Christ's resurrection is significant? Would we have any assurance of the future resurrection of men if our own Savior wasn't resurrected? Looking up the definition of resurrection in Webster's 1828 Dictionary 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lost Sheep

 The Noah Plan
Bible Week 7, Quarter 1

{Get your FREE notebook page for this lesson at this post!}

There are many responsibilities which a shepherd has! This Noah Plan lesson beautifully takes us through the Parable of the Lost Sheep and shows us how to reason from Scripture for personal application of this parable.

© Principled Academy

The kids had fun crafting their notebook page for this lesson. I hope you enjoy the min-tutorial of what we did with our notebook page. It was a lot of fun!

© Principled Academy
What We Used:

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Good Samaritan

 The Noah Plan
Bible Week 6, Quarter 1

{Get your free notebook page at this post!}

Purchase my PA study on Secret Blessings!

The Noah Plan's
lesson for this week is about the Good Samaritan. Along with this lesson, I like to encourage our children to keep an eye out for ways they can help someone in need. This means I need to keep my eyes open, too. 

I was recently reading an article titled, The Not-So-Good-Samaritan, which caused me to reflect and ponder. It made me ask myself, "Am I willing to help a complete stranger in person? Or am I more apt to help family and friends because that is comfortable, it's what I know and it feels safe?" 

Original Source Unknown

What example am I setting before my children?

Am I too busy?
Am I self-absorbed? 

Lord, please help me to be aware.

I think it goes without saying that children need to have their parents with them when dealing with strangers. So, what are some ways we can shepherd our children in this area? Here are a few which come to mind:

Helping Directly:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Earth's Three Main Parts- Geography W4, Q1

The Noah Plan 
Geography Week 4, Quarter 1

{Be sure to download your free notebook pages found at this post!}

God created each part of the earth. Each portion of it is special and uniquely created for life... for us. 

Today we learn about Earth's three main parts. I love to approach our learning with experiences:

© Principled Academy

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bible Noah Plan Kindergarten Week 5, Quarter 1

The Noah Plan
Bible Week 5, Quarter 1

You'll see in your curriculum in the left hand column that the Leading Idea has to do with the Biblical account of the fishes and loaves. The richness of The Noah Plan takes me (the mom and teacher) and my children (the students) deeper than just reading about it. The lesson takes us through a discussion for personal application.

© Principled Academy


My children are learning how Jesus' power is revealed when we are willing to govern ourselves under him (i.e. stewardship modeled after him, sharing, etc.) How amazing that so many people were able to be fed because a small child shared his lunch! What wondrous acts of God will people see when each of us choose to share what we have with them? It really gives us pause to think, doesn't it?

I think this is an example of how God's economy is much different than man's idea of economy.

For You to Do:

Monday, August 6, 2012

Jesus is Our Model- Bible

The Bible Principle in this Noah Plan lesson is about pleasing God. I love the content of this lesson and I really appreciate having all of the content laid out for me.

I chose to use a coloring page about Jesus being baptized for this one. I desire to have my children have early knowledge of baptism and Scripture tells us that God was pleased with Jesus after he was baptized (Matthew 3:16-17). Many other actions are pleasing to our Heavenly Father as well, and perhaps you will want to utilize a coloring page of one of those instead. It's your homeschool so you do as you feel lead. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lullabies- Literature Begins with the Baby

The Noah Plan Week 3, Quarter 1

What are lullabies for? Did you realize they have literary elements which you can teach to your children? What can they teach us about a nation and a time period? What about the authors?

© Principled Academy

I love to have my girls get their baby dollies out for these sweet lessons about lullabies. They have all especially loved this. *My boys never have been into baby dolls, so when I've taught them this lesson I've held the baby doll or a real baby sibling of theirs and demonstrate how I sing lullabies to a baby.

For You to Do:
Before the lesson, we parents have the privilege to learn some new things ourselves. In The Noah Plan Literature Curriculum Guide (this covers all grade ranges by the way!), I read some insightful things about lullabies. I'll share one of them with you.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jesus' Parents Prepared Him- Bible

The Noah Plan
Bible Week 3, Quarter 1

In this week's lesson we go through Scripture and learn many things about Jesus' early years.

I wonder how many of the aspects covered in this lesson are overlooked when reading these passages about Jesus' early years.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Geography- The Solar System

The Noah Plan Week 2, Quarter 1

"He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, 
and hangeth the earth upon nothing. "
Job 26:7

... and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

What words are there to express awe at such a Mighty God?

Does worship swell in your heart, too?

Is there any doubt that Scripture is the inspired Word of God? How else would people know such things so far back in time without any fancy equipment that we have today?

This lesson covers the solar system and how the earth is a part of it. We take our kids through Scriptures pertaining to the earth. It's one of my favorite things to share about with our kids.

Free wallpaper from
Do you remember my post on Geography's Secrets? We are expanding our learning about God's world and not the world of man.

What You Do To Prepare: